What is “Action”?
- Writing postcards
- Writing editorials
- Make brochures/posters and distribute
- Write to your representatives
- Make maps
- Tell someone about it
- Students reaching out to parents
- Host a community meeting
- Piggyback on another event
- Talk to medical professionals in your community
- Make a public service announcement
- Create an infographic
- Poster session
Well Water Community Action Toolkit
This toolkit was created for the NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) and NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS), as part of a two year US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grant, titled “Assessing and Managing Risks Associated with Exposure from Arsenic in Private Wells” (Grant # 1U53EH001110-01). It was designed to share lessons learned, with a specific focus on actions that work within local communities to increase community knowledge of private well water contaminants, and to increase well water testing and treatment. Use the toolkit progressively or jump around and use only the pieces you need.
Community Meeting Worksheet
After collecting well water data for arsenic analysis and learning how to analyze and communicate their findings, students will plan a community meeting to inform their communities about the importance of testing well water. They will present their data and analyses, provide information about local resources, and explain why arsenic in drinking water is such an important issue. The community meeting can take many forms. Check out the case studies page for some inspiration or use the resources below.